Time: Thursday 13 June, 13:00–14:00
Place: HF building, room 301
Members of the STIP-HF board present at the meeting:
Wassim Rustom (chair)
Christina Videbech (secretary)
Ragnhild Gjefsen
- Approval of agenda
- Information items
- a) Information regarding the progress of the newphd-program.
Kimberly presented different aspects of the guidelines of new PhDs that the work group had found interesting or problematic. Especially guidelines regarding the general outline of a PhD application, the guideline of the “sluttseminar”, and the guidelines regarding an article-based PhD was discussed.
- Discussion items
- a)Discussion of faculty board agenda items.
There were few things directly relevant for the PhDs in the agenda items. The survey of the sick leave of the faculty was discussed briefly. Furthermore, it was highlighted that it is problematic that there has been no formal election of a representative for group b due to too few people wanting to be elected. It was discussed how we can make the job more attractive to people since it is important for university democracy. It was suggested that the job job should give a higher, more appropriate number of duty work hours.
- Miscellaneous