General meeting – Wednesday, January 26th, 12:00-13:00
We would like to remind you of the date for the General Meeting where we will sum up all of our activities from 2021 and elect a new board.
All PhD candidates can vote and nominate themselves to be on the board (the board will consist of up to 6 members). Being a Stip-HF board member can give you 40 duty work hours per semester (80 hours in case you work as a chair or secretary).
If you want to be a board member, but you are unable to join the meeting, please send us an email with a short bio and a few sentences about your motivation.
Here you can read more about what we did last year and how can you potentially contribute to Stip-HF activities.
To join the general meeting, click here. (Meeting ID: 648 8333 9185; Password: sW7MdzJF)
Lunch over zoom – Wednesday, January 19th, 12:00-12:30
Prior to the general meeting, we would like to invite you to a short lunch over zoom. Prepare your favorite snack, join us for a friendly conversation, reconnect with your colleagues or get to know someone new. The format is very low-key. We will just divide into smaller breakout rooms and chat.
To join lunch, click here. (Meeting ID: 637 0151 1740, Password: y2ztLUVV)